When you stumble

I am naturally clumsy. More than once I have tripped over nothing and then looked around to see if anyone saw me. Thankfully, in most cases I’ve been able to stay on my feet.

There are moments when we “stumble” in our faith journey. When we are faced with a serious illness, death, job uncertainty, financial loss, or relationship issues, we may stumble and wonder why God is allowing it.

Those feelings or struggles are nothing new. King David faced many such challenges in his life and had to learn to trust God in challenging times.

David wrote in Psalm 21:7 these words, “For the king trusts in the Lord. The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.”

When you stumble or have find it difficult to trust God, remember that He loves you more than you realize and will always give you what is best in His perfect time. Learning to trust God is not a quick-fix; it takes time to appreciate God’s good gifts.


Keep hanging on


Attitude matters