Attitude matters

There are times in our life when we pray and maybe beg God to answer our prayer. When overwhelmed and desperate for change, we need to pause for a moment.


In moments of desperation, we may give up on God. Or, we feel that He doesn’t love or care for us.

Perhaps we should consider the possibility that a miracle is just a day away. Or, God may be trying to whittle something our of our life to graft something better into our life.

So, when you have prayed for God to grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed, work on having an attitude of praise and patience.

David, the ancient king of Israel, endured a lot of heartache, waiting, and setbacks before realizing God’s best. After asking God to grant him his desires, David immediately said that he would shout for joy when God’s blessings became a reality!

(See Psalm 20:4-6)

Perhaps we could learn that our attitude matters too.


When you stumble


Learning to be content.