Keep hanging on

When life is getting the best of you, hang on to hope.

Giving up is a lot easier than believing God is working his perfect will out. Over the Christmas holiday one of my daughters brought a 1,000 piece puzzle for us to put together. Thankfully, we had a picture to help us finish it. It took several of us working on it for at least three days to finish it!

Imagine if we had not had a picture of the puzzle. I’m not sure we would have ever finished it without that!

In a similar way, we navigate our way through life without a “complete picture” of the journey. When life gets tough, we are tempted to give up.

King David wrote, “God has not turned his back on those who have cried for help … the poor will eat and be satisfied” (Psalm 22:24, 26).

In Psalm 22 David shares his struggle with feeling abandoned by God despite David’s persistent cry for help. Interestingly, God reveals to David that Jesus (the coming Savior) would express the same sentiment.

Keep hanging on to Jesus. He understands what you’re going through, hears your prayers, and will answer at the right time.


I have a shepherd


When you stumble