Waiting is difficult.

Waiting is something few of us enjoy. Waiting is difficult.

At some point we will wait longer than we wanted in traffic, at a doctor’s office, an auto repair shop, or a check out line. The list is endless.

Perhaps the struggle of waiting is a fear that God is not listening. Maybe we don’t want to endure suffering. Or it might be that we’re unsure of the final outcome.

Waiting on a delicious meal is a bit easier because we know it will take time to prep, cook, and serve. We know what awaits and wait eagerly for it.

In a similar way, we might need to change our thinking about waiting on God to hear our cry for help. David wrote in Psalm 27:11, “Teach me how to live and lead me along the right path.” A few verses later he wrote that he was confident of seeing the Lord’s goodness (Psalm 27:13).

Waiting is difficult though. Sometimes we get ahead of God and choose to fix our problem instead of learning to wait and taking the right path. That’s kind of like of taking the casserole out of the oven too early.

So, just like we know an amazing meal is worth waiting for, you can trust God to give you exactly what you need at just the right moment.


God will catch you.


I have a shepherd