Praying for you.

Someone recently asked me, “How can I pray for you?” Since I’m not asked that question a lot, I gave it some thought. About 30 minutes later I responded with my request.

“How can I pray for you?” is an open-ended question with endless possibilities. I wanted to make the most of that opportunity. Prayer is not to be taken lightly. When someone prays they are entering God’s presence. That is a holy moment that should not be taken lightly.

Prayer should not be taken lightly!

Whether you are praying for someone or are the recipient of a prayer, take it seriously. I had a lot going in my life at that time. So, I asked God to give me direction.

I told my friend that I needed spiritual wisdom and insight to grow in my faith and life. That idea came from Ephesians 1:17 and Colossians 1:9.

If you’re ever asked “How can I pray for you?” … perhaps you could take a moment to give it some thought before blurting out an answer.


A Masterpiece.


Making a Decision.