Grow up.

Are you going to grow up with your children?”

My late mother-in-law, Granny, asked me that question many years ago. She had an incredible wit that is deeply missed. As I read from Colossians earlier today, God reminded me of those words.

While every stage of life has its own challenges, being an adult is not filled with fun and games. When faced with difficult decisions or life struggles, it’s sometimes easier to give up and sweep it “under the rug.” Dealing with relationship issues, financial stress, or health problems is hard work.

Growing through such challenges is a reason we need God to give us a “complete knowledge of his will, wisdom, and understanding” (Colossians 1:9). When view life from God’s perspective, we will be able to love difficult people, forgive others, endure difficulties, experience joy, show gentleness, be kind, and have self-control.

Growth is a process. It does not happen overnight.

I encourage you to ask God to give you an understanding of his will and wisdom. Ask God for this every day. Prayers like this are dangerous. The journey will not be easy. But, you will grow and learn to love others like Jesus does (Colossians 1:10).


Not done yet.


Every moment matters.